New grants for the rehabilitation of buildings from the Andalusian Regional Government
New grants for the rehabilitation of buildings from the Andalusian Regional Government
On December 30, 2020, the Regional Government of Andalusia published three lines of subsidies aimed at the rehabilitation of buildings, housing and basic functional adaptation. Of the total 30 million, the largest amount is foreseen for the rehabilitation of buildings, for which 17 million will be granted. Fundamentally, this call is aimed at Andalusian homeowners’ associations with the objective of improving their accessibility. They may also be requested for energy efficiency and sustainability improvements.
The communities of owners and beneficiary dwellings may obtain up to 40% of the budget necessary to carry out the building rehabilitation work. One of the stipulated requirements is that income must be 5.5 times less than the Public Multiple Effect Income Indicator (IPREM). However, an increase of up to 75% is contemplated for some cases: homes with family incomes three times lower than the IPREM, where a disabled person or a person over 65 years of age resides.
The basic functional adaptation program includes technical assistance that can offer improvements in the usual homes of people over 65 years of age, with a disability of at least 40% and with reduced mobility. For these cases, the beneficiaries of this aid for the rehabilitation of buildings must comply with a basic premise: income must not exceed 2.5 times the IPREM. The elimination of architectural barriers or the adaptation of the width of doors are some examples of eligible actions. A maximum of 2,000 euros and up to 70% of the budget may be granted in this line.
More information in the following BOJA:
The order for payment procedure is a special procedure provided for in the Code of Civil Procedure to claim monetary debts of any amount which are liquid, determined, due and payable and which are stated in documents signed by the debtor or in invoices, delivery notes, certificates, etc. which, even if they have been created by the creditor, are those which usually document claims and debts in the relationship between debtor and creditor.
The peculiarity of the procedure is that no lawyer or solicitor is required for the initial request and that the court issues an order for payment to the debtor which, if it is not complied with or opposed, determines that enforcement is to be carried out against the debtor (articles 812 and ff of the LEC).
In the area of the communities of owners, The Horizontal Property Law says that this procedure can be used to claim community debts provided that a certification (issued by the secretary and with the approval of the president) of the agreement of the general meeting approving the settlement of the debt is provided and that such agreement has been duly notified to the affected owners.
Thus, the order for payment procedure can only be initiated to claim payment of a debt:
- Money.
- Liquid.
- Determined.
- Expired.
- Required.
The amount of the debt is irrelevant.
In short, the payment order procedure is the second best way of claiming money debts, liquid, determined, due and payable to the community of owners.
The best procedure for claiming a debt is to talk to both the president of your community and the administrator of the community and reach a cordial agreement. This will save you a lot of headaches, money and time.